Merry Christmas to all of my faithful blogger readers! I hope that you have as blessed of a Christmas as I have had!
Colin was my best gift ever this year! He enjoyed his first Christmas even though he had no idea what was really going on...he just knew that he was getting a lot of attention!
Miguel got an XBOX 360, some DVD's, CD's etc. I got the Kitchen Aid Mixer that I've wanted for a few years now, some DVD's, etc. Colin made out like a bandit! He got tons of toys, DVD's, CD's, clothes, etc!
But best of all, we spent the holiday with family. First we went to my mom's house. We ate a traditional American Christmas dinner, and then opened gifts. After that we went to Miguel's mom's house. We ate a traditional Puerto Rican Christmas dinner, danced, opened gifts, danced some more, and then played some games. It was a long day and a late night, but we had such a great time!