Tuesday: I was due to work last Tuesday before my flight to NY. I went in and got called a little after 10. My friend who was watching Colin called to tell me that he was running a little fever and that he had a rash all over his body. Great. I left work and made an appointment to see the pediatrician at 11:45. Didn't leave the
pedi.'s office until 12:30.
I had to leave for the airport by 3:00. After a slight turn around and some traffic, I made it to the airport 1 hr & 15
mins before my flight was to take off. I decided to check in at the desk instead of curbside, just b/c I feel that my luggage is safer that way. At the counter, the lady told me that I was early enough to catch the flight right before the one that I was scheduled to take, and that was pretty empty. So, I was all excited about the earlier flight, but didn't realize that they would be boarding that flight in about 10-15
mins...and I hadn't even been through security yet. I was moving like a mad woman to get through security and get to the gate. I did make it in time, and was very pleased to see that I got an entire row to myself, the row next, behind & in front of me were all empty as well. Well, good thing that the plane was almost empty...Colin was horrible. Granted, he was teething, and ended up cutting 3 teeth that night, but the flight was just terrible. He cried for the first hour, then fell asleep. Right as he was falling asleep, he pooped...but there was not a chance that I was going to wake him up to change his diaper, so the plane smelled like poop the whole way. Then, he woke up about 30
mins before we landed, and cried until we got off of the plane. Some lady was frustrated (understandably), and tried to make me feel like I didn't know what I was doing as a mother, but it was 11:30 pm, and I had had a really long day, so I didn't feel like arguing with her. I met up with my mom and Sammy and we drove into Connecticut. We stayed at a hotel about 30
mins away from my aunt's house (where my grandmother lives). Colin didn't want to sleep. Bad night for us.
Wednesday: We woke up pretty early and hit the road for my aunt's house. I think that we for there by about 10
ish. I got to eat breakfast at
Dunkin' Donuts, a northeast favorite. We lazied about for the rest of the day. It was very pleasant and relaxing. My grandmother looked great! I was so surprised. I got to eat dinner with 2 of my cousins, and play with my aunt's 4 dogs and 8 cats!
Thursday: My mom & Sammy went back to NY, and I stayed with Nanny. We went out shopping, and had a blast! Just like old times, only a tad bit slower. Nanny did great, and I was very surprised at her stamina. We ate breakfast at a quaint diner, and lunch at
Friendly's was something that I missed about the northeast, but after eating there this time, it just didn't seem as good as I remembered. After we got back, I took Colin outside to play in a leaf pile, and got a few cute pics of him. Autumn in the northeast is so beautiful! I never appreciated it while I was there, and now I can say that I miss the leaves changing colors and falling off of the trees. Colin loved playing in the leaves!
Friday: We woke up early and I drove Nanny's car to New York. We got there around 10. The drive really wasn't as bad as I was thinking it would be. We met up with mom & Sammy at the hotel, and Courtney came around 11. It was supposed to be a surprise that Colin & I were there, but she didn't really act all that surprised. I think she knew. She claims not to have known, but I think she did. We did some shopping for the rest of the day.
Saturday: Court & I drove to New
Paltz to pick up one of her friends. Miguel went to
Paltz, so I got him a t-shirt and jacket. What a pretty little town! I met up with my favorite cousin Patty for dinner. After Colin & Rachael went to bed, we started preparing food for Rachael's birthday party the next day.
Sunday: Colin & I spent the morning in the hotel room with Nanny while mom and Court decorated the hall for the birthday party. The birthday party was fun! My cousins from Long Island came. I hadn't seen them in years! I also saw family from my biological father's side, and I saw my biological father or the first time since my wedding. Awkward to say the least. Rachael looked beautiful, and had so much fun eating cake!
Monday: Another hectic day. I drove Nanny and her car back to CT. Mom and Sammy followed. We then turned around and they drove me to Queens, NY to the airport so I could head on home! Colin was much better on this flight. He slept almost the whole trip, waking up about 30
mins before landing. Thank God that he was good this time b/c the flight was packed full!
While we were there we had some family portraits taken. We got a nice generations photo with my grandmother, mother, sister, niece, Colin, & myself. I'm glad that we got it b/c in all honesty, this was probably the last time that all of us will be together at the same time (until heaven). As soon as I get them back I'll post the pics.
All in all, I had a great visit with my family, but
I'm so happy to be home. I missed Miguel like crazy, and I know that Colin missed him too! It is so true that there is no place like home.