Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Sickness Started...

I thought that I was going to get off easy this time, and not have the morning sickness. Well, I thought wrong!

It all started Sunday morning...I was sick all day long, and had to work on top of it. I also spotted a little in the morning.

Monday, I was sick on and off all day.

Tuesday, I was sick all day long, and had a migraine...had to work, but got off early.

Today, I was sick a little in the morning, but it went away, and I've had a pretty good day. I also had a first peek at the peanut. One of the sono techs that I work with wanted to sono me. The peanut is sooo tiny! The sono tech noticed that I have a subchorionic hemorrhage. She said that it is a pretty large one, and that I should let me doctor know. So, I called my doctor to let them know, and they will be seeing me and doing a sono on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry the sickness started. Hopefully you are able to get some relief soon.

    Please call me after you appt to let me know how it goes.


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