Hello everyone! First I would like to say "Happy New Year" to all!
Miguel's mom offered to watch the boys so we could go out. Yay! Last night Miguel's brother Danny, his girlfriend Rossilyn, Miguel and I went to Houlihan's in Addison for dinner. It was my first time there, and I really enjoyed it! Great suggestion Danny!
After dinner we went over to The Londoner to have some drinks and finish out the evening. The handed out favors...noise makers, crowns, hats etc. We had a champagne toast right at midnight. We had a great time!
I was a little nervous about the drive home...not because of us, but because of all of the idiots on the road that 'thought' they could drive. Miguel drove nice and slow, and praise God we made it home safe!
I hope this new year brings many laughs, few sorrows and is prosperous for all! God bless!
Happy New Year!! Looks like you were having a ball!