We started off the day going to and celebrating Katie Tovson's 5th birthday. It was at Pump It Up. After getting over his fear of the bounce houses, he really had a blast! Brennan did not like the bounce houses at all!!!

Since we were near Grapevine for Katie's birthday party, Miguel met us at the Grapevine Mills Mall, where we had lunch and did some clothes shopping for me. As we were walking in, Colin saw the Rainforest Cafe, and commented on all the animals. Since he's never eaten there before, we decided to have lunch there. Colin loved watching the thunderstorms and all of the animals moving. Brennan wasn't too happy about it.

I was in the mood for cheesecake last night, so we decided to have dinner at Saltgrass. I LOVE the cheesecake there. I also had a couple yummy drinks, that left me feeling a little tipsy. Good thing Miguel was driving. Our waiter offered to take a family picture for us.

The day ended with a trip to Best Buy. I wanted to get a new Bluetooth earpiece. I've tried a few of them, but none really worked the way that I wanted them too. I ended up getting a more expensive one this time. We'll see how it works out. We also got the boys a replacement DVD player for their playroom, since the one that they had died a couple weeks ago. I snatched Colin's glasses that he got as a favor from Katie's birthday party, and made a few silly poses.