First of all, thank you to everyone who prayed for Colin. I know prayer works!
Colin had his Barium swallow test today, and he does not have pyloric stenosis...thank God! But, and here is the but, his pyloric sphincter (the sphincter at the bottom of the stomache that empties into the small intestine) is spasming, and can get to the point where it won't open, and turns into pyloric stenosis. He definitely does have reflux, and the radiologist said that it can be due to the spasming. Colin is at risk for pyloric stenosis until he is about 10 weeks old. After which time, his chances of getting it decreases, and the spasms should be slowing down...which in turn will help his reflux problem.
I'd like to ask everyone to continue to keep Colin in your prayers, not only for the pyloric stenosis thing, but also for the reflux. It's not comfortable for him, and he's not sleeping as well as he would if he didn't have it. Thanks!
September 6
6 months ago
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