I can't believe that my little Colin will be starting pre-school in just a few days. I remember when he was born and needed me for everything, and now he dresses himself, brushes his own teeth and is getting ready to start pre-school.
Colin will be attending a private pre-school. We chose Cottonwood Creek Baptist Church. They have a large, well established program for a decent price. This evening was 'Meet the Teacher Night'. Ms. Laurie is his main teacher, and Ms. Felicia is her assistant. They seem really nice and excited about the school year. I like the fact that this program follows a course outline and that there is NOT a nap time. He'll be in school on Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9-2. He will eat a snack and lunch there. They will be focusing on writing. He will also have chapel everyday. In addition, some days he will have PE & spanish class.
I'm so excited for the school year to start. We weren't going to put Colin into school until kindergarten, but Miguel and I both felt that Colin was starting to stagnate at home. He was getting bored, and was soooo eager to learn. I felt like I wasn't doing my job as a parent if I didn't put him in school, since I wasn't meeting his learning need. I'm happy and confident in the decision that Miguel and I made.
September 6
5 months ago
It sounds like a good school! I can't wait to hear more about his adventures in pre-k