Last night Miguel, Danny & I went to see Saves the Day at the Granada Theatre. I was so excited to see them. Miguel & I have seen them about 4 times live now, the last time being in Long Island, NY about 4 years ago.
The first band to play was
Emmanuel. Decent music, but (once again I'll say this) I didn't like the screaming.
Next up was
The Early Novemver. I actually really liked them. There wasn't any screaming and the music was good. I think that I liked it enough to buy the album. I'll probably get it sometime soon. Miguel didn't really like them much. In fact, he hated them. Not sure why? I thought it seemed like his kind of music. They are from Jersey, and the music really reminded me of east coast music. Pretty catchy...that's why I liked it.
Next up was
Saves the Day. I was a bit surprised about this. They were supposed to be the headlining band for the night, so when they appeared on stage 3rd, I was a bit disappointed. Now we weren't gonna get an encore. We have never seen them when they weren't headlining. We were thinking that things got changed up a bit because their label folded, and they didn't get their new album out, and they are looking for a new label now. Anyway, they played mostly old songs and like 2 or 3 new ones. The older of the old (my personal favorites) sounded kind of funny to me because Chris' voice has gotten higher in more recent albums. They actually played my all time favorite
Rocks Tonic Juice Magic, and Miguel's favorite song
Holly Hox Forget Me Nots. The crowd was so into them. The only annoying thing was that there was this like 15 year old girl standing behind us. We had an awesome spot. We went upstairs onto the balcony, and you could see the entire stage. Awesome view. Well, before Saves the Day came on, this girl asked Miguel if we (me, Miguel & Danny) would move so she can stand where we were. Miguel told her that we were gonna stand here, and that she could stand whereever she wanted. She started cursing at him and then backed off. So Saves the Day started and she was standing right behind Miguel and Danny. She was screaming at the top of her lungs in the highest pitch voice I have ever heard. Now I like to scream and sing during the show, but she was just ridiculous. So she would sing a little bit and then yell f*** yeah. It was piercing. After the Saves the Day set was over we decided to leave and not stay for the other band. Miguel walked away from our spot first, followed by Danny. Right as Danny was walking away the girl and her friend pushed into us and said "we need the be right the f*** here." Then the girl looked at me (who was only like 5'2"), and pushed me. I had had it by that point with her, so I pushed her back. She started yelling "what the f***." All I said back to her "I dare you to push me again." Let's just say that she didn't push me again. She really had some balls for purposely pushing me. I mean, yeah you get pushed and bumped into at shows, but she was obviously trying to start something. Then we left, and had a fun ride home.
At the end of the set, Saves the Day said that they will see us again in March, so hopefully they will be back in Dallas, and on a night that we can see them...again!!!